Dear human friends
I’m writing to announce my retirement because this
job is done and we are free. I could just stop here but I guess you want to
know why I say that.
When I was a child I used to walk to and from
school with my older brother. One afternoon as we walked home we came across a
wasps’ nest. He was always curious so he wondered what would happen if he
disturbed them. Seeing a rope lying nearby with a big knot in it, he picked it
up and banged it down on the top of the wasps’ nest. (Yes, not nice, but we
were all a lot less conscious in the Sixties). You can guess the result: all
the wasps flew out angrily and buzzed around us to protect their nest. …
school with my older brother. One afternoon as we walked home we came across a
wasps’ nest. He was always curious so he wondered what would happen if he
disturbed them. Seeing a rope lying nearby with a big knot in it, he picked it
up and banged it down on the top of the wasps’ nest. (Yes, not nice, but we
were all a lot less conscious in the Sixties). You can guess the result: all
the wasps flew out angrily and buzzed around us to protect their nest. …

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